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  • Writer's pictureEH Lim

Upload file to the MoneyWorks Now Cloud Server

Once your company file is ready, you can upload to the MoneyWorks Now cloud server from the Users and Security wizard under the File menu. Click the Upload to Server button and follow by login to your MoneyWorks Now account to upload the file.

MoneyWorks Now uses the Company name which you have stated in the Company Detail; the system will pick up the file name instead if you leave it blank. For example, you have created a company, ABC Pte Ltd, which file name is abc.moneyworks. You will see abc.moneyworks, the file name, in the login page of the MoneyWorks Now if you have left the company detail blank.

This issue is common if you tried to clone the file from your existing MoneyWorks company file. Often, the user has forgotten to update the company detail after clone a new company file.

MoneyWorks Now is a cloud-based accounting system which allows you to have multiple entities (company files) with a single subscription.

Sign up a demo today, to have an understanding of how to use MoneyWorks to manage your business finance.

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