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  • Writer's pictureEH Lim

Import Names

Yes. You can import names such as Supplier and Customer into MoneyWorks accounting software instead of entering it manually when migrating from other accounting software (You may have to tidy up the source file if the exported file from your existing software is messy, garbage in garbage out)

Apart from the standard fields such as the Company name, contact person, address, phone, fax, and email; you need to prepare the file with Name Code and Name Type.

The Name Code is a code uniquely identified the name. The maximum characters allowed for the name code is 11 (Alpha-numeric). For example, you have a customer 'Best Accounting Firm LLP', the name code could be 'BES001'. The first three characters of the name code, BES, is same as the first three characters of the company name.

Name Type is important. It specifies whether the name, customer or supplier, recorded is a cash or credit (accrued) name type. '0' is 'False', '1' is 'Cash', and '2' is 'Credit'. For example, you give a customer 30 days credit terms and this name is not a supplier. You set the Customer Type as '2', Payment Term as '30' and Supplier Type as '0'.

Once you have prepared the source file, import the name from the File menu. MAP the fields in the Import Wizard and start import names into MoneyWorks.

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