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Writer's pictureEH Lim

Non-Current Liabilities account

Non-Current Liabilities are financial obligations which the repayment is not within the fiscal year. It includes long-term loan, deferred tax liabilities, the bond payable, etc. (Please check with your accountant on the account classification). Non-current liabilities are also known as Long-term liabilities or term liabilities, depending on the reporting standard which the accounting software has adopted. For example, MoneyWorks uses term liabilities, whereas some other software may use Long-term liabilities.

MoneyWorks has a built-in report writer which allows to create or amend the report. Assuming you want to change the Balance Sheet's Term Liabilities section header to Non-Current Liability, you open the Balance Sheet report in the Report Designer, scroll to the Term Liabilities section header and amend it.

Save the amended report into the Custom Plug-ins folder, and then sign (to grant access) and upload it to the MoneyWorks Datacentre server.

You may not have the necessary programming skill to rewrite the formula and codes, but changing the report label shouldn't be too difficult. Alternatively, you may export the report to a spreadsheet and amend it.

Consult a MoneyWorks consultant in your area if you are having a problem editing the report.

Sign up a free demo if you like to find out more about how MoneyWorks helps in managing your business finance.

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